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A Day in the Life Mod (discontinued)

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Welcome to the "A Day in the Life" Mod! This mod will showcase, as the name may suggest, a day in the life of 7 different Springfielders. Explore new missions & new adventures as some of your favorite Springfield characters!

This mod is currently in version 1.1.0 - get it here!!PQV2XBgY!obf8e6F6We-5zK36sZNxsudfsM-utgemEMUIM0AiJ5M

The music mod can be found here.!yVEWxS5R!DWe614eoppxCLu5-PuIIQTXKYsCS5ktFk0z3VOHVxUc

You can play up to Level 1, as your friendly(?) neighborhood redneck, Cletus.

Status: I might return to making this mod, a lot better, at some point in another lifetime. As it stands, the mod is discontinued.

Known Bugs:
-Dialogue conversations in L1M6 and L1M7 look weird.
-Some of the mission objective screens are not implemented.
-Game does not support all 4 sound scripts - use English.
-SR3 is bugged, probably crashes.

Trailer made by me.

This post has been removed.
9 yrs ago (Edited 4 years ago)
I Can't start Mission 5 (L1) , when i talk to Homer, they don't even talk, and i have to exit the dialogue.
"W_Fall_Moe_02.rsd not found"
Alejandro: Not getting your issue. They have dialogue just fine for me. Can other people confirm they have this issue?
Somebot: Will send out a patch fixing this once I hear back from Alejandro's error.

SR3 is using the wrong scripts. I'll release a patch in a few to fix these two errors. I talked to Kenny about the mission 5 dialogue, and he said it works fine for him. The lmlm is the same one as is in the mega, though, so not sure what it could be.
Really well made, love everything about it so far. My only complaint is Apu's vehicle stats on the derby mission; he is impossible to destroy! Perhaps you increase the time limit on that stage, or possibly change his vehicle stats.

Also you may want to lock level 2 out of bounds for now, since that's not fully developed

Require CustomStatsTotals as a hack in your meta.ini, and create CustomStatsTotals.ini in your mod folder.
Then enter this:


This will lock out level 2.
Gibstack , can you please make a version with just NPC Hud talks? because still M5 doen'st work for me.. :(
Works fine for me.
Alejandro, are you using a legit/clean version of the game? It's working for everyone else who's played and responded about it. (Kenny, Eternal)
Another great mod, Gibstack.