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Some Challenge Mod

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Well, v1.2.0 STILL does not fix the eternal freeze bug... I even shortened many of my locators' names.
Eventually, somebody is going to end up complaining to me about not releasing Level 2's challenges for a pretty "long" time, so this is just a little note for those who might whine my face off about it.

Most of Level 2's challenges (including the bonus challenges) are finished. But one of them is being completely redesigned, and I'm not happy about what I redesigned the challenge to, but I had no other choice since the first idea had many problems. A fun fact card will explain that. But anyhow, I'm very close to releasing Level 2. I'm very bad at planning release dates, so deal with the broad release time.

EDIT: I'm still not going to release that difficulty harder that Hard.
It's okay, take your time! Quality releases are better than rushed one. I would suggest to wait after DM's conspiracy update to release it when it's finished so that it won't be overlooked.
OMG! Release Level 2's challenges or I will whine your face off about it!
What's with me and these polls?
i seriously can't be the only one that finds challenge 2 incredibly impossible, right? i must have had over 25-30 attempts at it and i STILL haven't beat it. maybe i just suck. idk
About that, a new update will make it slightly easier.
I find it possible but it's reaaaallly difficult, and I can only beat it when I get decent luck with the AI
the biggest problem (not to be confused with a flaw, of course i'm talking about the most difficult part) are the a-hole hearse and sedans ramming into you, sliding you into a different direction from where you're going. like gib said, it's pretty much luck with the AI and how fast you can actually ram into the limo (there's also those times where the buzz cola can is dropped, then you miss it and have to slowly turn around and grab it. the difficulty of that depends on what car you're using, though).
I honestly didn't have many issues with challenge 2. The trick is that the AI is set to "target", which means it slows down quite a bit if the player is far away from it but will use it's normal stats when the player is near it. The trick is when the limo speeds away from you, plot out the fastest route towards it and hit it as quick as you can before it speeds off.

May I recommend editing the mission tips per mission SomeBot so that the hints help the player out some by giving out good strategies? You can give each mission their own individual tip, which might be handy for a couple of missions like this. I don't believe this is currently the case, so seeing this might be useful. You might also want to try to explain the gimmick here somehow before the mission starts.

Also, glad to see The Ultimate Challenge in Level 1 being nerfed! I feel that was really the only luck based mission in Level 1, as it's really the only luck based mission in Level 1 and that's kind of unfortunate. Lisa's car is way too weak where you're guaranteed to start smoking after one hit, Bart is way too slow to the point where sticking near him becomes a little tedious on later runs, and the cars are so overpowered that they're nearly impossible to dodge. If one of these factors were removed, I think I'd enjoy it more. Really enjoyed what else I played though and look forward to seeing more updates.