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Some Challenge Mod

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I'm eventually going to forget about this, so here's a poll many months early.
Of course I run out of time before I had the chance to upload SCMMusic for Level 2... Don't worry though, I will release it in several hours, but for now, refrain from playing Some Challenge Mod with SCMMusic enabled as it will cause problems.
This issue continues to torment me to this day. And not even in this realm..

Also, the thing where you have saves located in "SomeChallengeModv2.0.0" instead of "SomeChallengeMod" is there again. Just FYI.

Also (I should really figure out what I want to say before I edit my post) the version history link is an error. thanks Jasper.
I feel your pain with disc insertion.
Sheesh, I was hoping the launcher used the saved games from the SomeChallengeMod folder since the LMLM file contains a folder with the same name, which also contains the entire mod.
Got this when completing l1m7 then being teleported into level 2. Playing on Hard if that makes a difference.

What about an annoying freeze being fixed? <3

Edit: Booted up my 100% save, it seems every level except for 1 and 7 is unplayable.
Can confirm Gibstack's statement. Level 2 appears to be completely busted at the moment:

To add to this statement, I've tried all three difficulties. All three appear to freeze around the same area (right at the start of the loading screen).
What the hell? SCM in LMLM format is corrupted, but my uncompiled version of SCM works fine. I hope the Mod Launcher's compile feature is working properly...
It should be. It sounds like something dodgy is going on in one of your scripts, and the compiling is sort of causing that issue to pop up.

I actually take back what I said about compiling causing the issue, since Lucas' Launcher doesn't compile lua scripts and leaves them untouched much like an uncompiled release of the mod, so even then this isn't the source of your issue at all

How different are your level scripts from the vanilla games?
The mfk scripts aren't that much different than the original's.